A Heart Full of Thanksgiving

Paul’s gratitude towards God for the Corinthians is not merely a formality but a celebration of divine grace at work. He recognizes how God’s grace has enriched the Corinthians in knowledge and speech, confirming the testimony of Christ among them.

Trusting God with All Your Heart

As we journey through life, it’s easy to become consumed by our own limited understanding and misguided ambitions. We often try to control our lives, relying on our knowledge and abilities to navigate the twists and turns. Contrary to our human nature, Proverbs 3:5-6 urges us to surrender our self-reliance and embrace the loving guidance …

What Are Your Giving Motives: Reflections on Matthew 6:1-4

Matthew 6:1-4 is a passage that reminds us of the importance of living a life of generosity and compassion. In these verses, Jesus warns us against the dangers of hypocrisy and encourages us to give with a pure heart and a sincere spirit. When we give with a pure heart and a sincere spirit, without …