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Resolving Disputes within the Church

Resolving Disputes within the Church

Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6 address a critical aspect of Christian life: resolving disputes within the church. He challenges the Corinthians
Nov 28, 2023819 views3 min read
Being Receptive to Correction and Guidance

Being Receptive to Correction and Guidance

Paul’s epistle continues with a heartwarming declaration of his affection and spiritual parenthood towards the Corinthians. He distinguishes
Oct 18, 2023478 views3 min read
Every Good Thing is a Gift from God

Every Good Thing is a Gift from God

In this passage, Paul warns the Corinthians about the dangers of pride and arrogance. Despite the many blessings they’ve received …
Oct 13, 2023440 views2 min read
Eyes on God in a World of Critics

Eyes on God in a World of Critics

The concept of divine judgment has often been misused by some to overpower or manipulate potential believers. Yet, this same principle …
Oct 12, 2023369 views2 min read