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Cultivating Sensitivity and Love in Matters of Conscience
In addressing the early Christian community in Corinth, Paul delves into the nuanced issue of food sacrificed to idols—a topic…
Finding Joy and Purpose in Every Season of Life
In these verses from 1 Corinthians 7, Paul shares heartfelt guidance that touches the lives of the unmarried, the widowed,…
Married (or Single) and Being Devoted to God
Paul begins by discussing marriage. He acknowledges that celibacy is good but recognizes that it’s not for everyone. He advises…
Keeping Sexually Moral in Today’s “Me First” Society
In this passage, Paul addresses the Corinthian believers on the matter of Christian freedom and the sanctity of the body.…
Resolving Disputes within the Church
Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6 address a critical aspect of Christian life: resolving disputes within the church. He challenges…