How to Remain Faithful in a World of Competing Beliefs

In 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, Paul offers essential guidance for maintaining faithfulness in a world filled with competing beliefs and practices. He urges believers to “flee from idolatry,” highlighting the necessity of remaining steadfast in their commitment to God amid various spiritual distractions and challenges. Paul begins by stressing the importance of exclusive devotion to God. …


Christianity in Today’s World View Culture

In this week’s post, let’s take a look at Biblical Christianity vs Cultural Christianity and perhaps some reflection on our daily lives. What is Cultural Christianity? Cultural Christianity can be defined in many different ways but for this week, let’s focus on these two aspects. Cultural Christians Prefer to Just “Fit In” Unlike biblical Christianity, …

Finding Strength in the Temptations

In 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Paul uses the history of Israel to provide critical lessons on how to handle temptation and remain steadfast in our faith. He recounts the experiences of the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt, emphasizing both the blessings they received and the pitfalls they encountered. Paul begins by reminding the Corinthians of …

Embracing the Heart of a Servant

In this passage from Paul’s epistle passionately describes his commitment to the gospel ministry, using his own life as an example of sacrificial service. He addresses the Corinthians’ skepticism about his apostleship, defending his right to receive support for his work while also choosing to forego it for the sake of the gospel. Paul’s primary …

Finding Joy and Purpose in Every Season of Life

In these verses from 1 Corinthians 7, Paul shares heartfelt guidance that touches the lives of the unmarried, the widowed, and those contemplating marriage. His words are not mere instructions but a beacon of encouragement for anyone navigating life’s relational paths.

Married (or Single) and Being Devoted to God

Paul begins by discussing marriage. He acknowledges that celibacy is good but recognizes that it’s not for everyone. He advises that marriage, fulfilling sexual desires in a morally sound manner, is acceptable. His pragmatic approach here doesn’t diminish the value of marriage but underscores it as a legitimate and holy way to avoid sexual immorality. …

Keeping Sexually Moral in Today’s “Me First” Society

In this passage, Paul addresses the Corinthian believers on the matter of Christian freedom and the sanctity of the body. The Corinthians lived in a society where moral boundaries were often blurred, leading to a misunderstanding of Christian liberty. Paul’s statement, “Everything is permissible for me,” likely quotes a common belief among the Corinthians, which …