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Men, Is It Time to Quit?

I know…I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, “What in the world is he writing about this week?” So men, is it time to quit? The Morning Dread Stumbling out of bed after my bride has literally forced me to wake up, I make my way to the bathroom. For the past twenty-four …
Oct 25, 20211096 views4 min read

Is Smiling Depression A Real Thing?

So is smiling depression a real thing? First, we should define and understand what is depression and what it is not. What is Depression According to the American Psychiatric Association, major depressive disorder, or Depression, “is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you …
Oct 18, 20211706 views4 min read

Good Days and Bad Days

Good Days and Bad Days are something that we all experience. But do your good days ever turn into a bad days without outside influence? If yes, then join me in saying, “This sucks!” I use to love the holiday season, though in some ways I still do – more on that later. Beginning almost …
Oct 13, 20211139 views3 min read