4 Ways to Avoid Setbacks this Holiday Season

Have you ever said to yourself, “I really cannot take another holiday with my significant other’s fill-in-the-blank“? Well, I can honestly say I have never had that thought; I have been blessed with wonderful in-laws. But the reality is, many married couples will go through some challenging times over the next two months. While researching …

A Look at the Differences – Condoning Versus Condemning Sin

In my entire life, I have longed for nothing but acceptance. During my childhood, I longed for acceptance by my peers in school. And now as an adult, I am seeking acceptance from my workplace colleagues. Over the years, I have also struggled with addiction to various vices. Starting at a very young age, and …


A Look at Biblical vs Cultural Christianity

In this week’s post, let’s take a look at Biblical Christianity vs Cultural Christianity and perhaps some reflection on our daily lives. But First… For the first time in thirty-six weeks, I decided to take a break from my writing routine last week. Instead, my family and I embarked on an exciting adventure to West …

Country Cabin

Born and raise in West Virginia, my roots are in the mountains. These cabins remind me of my home. Driving along the country roads of West Virginia, the scenes I have shared below are very likely to be seen. I hope you find some enjoyment in my Country Cabin Art series. ;

4 Ways to Boost Your Morale and Mental Health

September 22nd was the best day so far in 2022. At precisely 9:04 PM EDT, the earth’s equinox was experienced by everyone simultaneously worldwide marking the start of the autumn season in the northern hemisphere. As the days become shorter, the leaves will soon start to turn from green to vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows. …