Depression Symptoms Can Be a Trap

Digital drawing of a dolphin coming out of the water in front of a full moon which is sitting into the ocean horizon.  There is a wood overlay on top of the image which gives the drawing a rustic feel.
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Depression symptoms can be a trap to the sufferer though not like a Star Wars “It’s a trap”. According to this WebMD article from July of this year, one of the tell-tale signs of depression is skipping exercise. Recently I was on a daily regiment of walking every day during my lunch break. The walking was helping to take off a few pounds I had gained. It was also helping me to overcome some self-esteem issues that I frequently experience. You see, in addition to the severe separation anxiety from my bride, my self-esteem and self-worth bottoms out during times when I feel lonely or afraid.

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For nearly my entire life I have been overweight and at some times, morbidly obese. In early 2019 I was diagnosed as a diabetic. At the recommendation of my doctor, I started taking a medication which helped a little however my A1C remained too high. My doctor then placed me on another medication called Victoza; a non-insulin daily shot that helps to lower one’s blood sugar. Victoza has a side effect that is known to cause weight loss in some patients. The taking of this medication has had profound success in lowering my A1C to acceptable levels. I also experienced the side effect and lost 100 pounds which was really good and helped out my self-esteem.

Daily Walk

Recently I had begun to put on a little weight. Not much weight however as I do not believe anyone else had noticed. I set out to try and lose a few pounds and that daily walk during my lunch was helping. I had worked myself up to walking 2 miles a day and was receiving many encouraging words from family and friends on social media. But then on one day, as I was making my way back to the house, I overheard a guy on the golf cart path say to his golfing companion, “Man, that guy needs to be running instead of walking.”


Immediately I felt a wave of worthlessness come over me. Here I was trying to better myself only to be knocked down but two individuals whom I did not know and would likely never see again. I doubt they even knew the words they said would have such a profound effect. Or perhaps they were bullies in their youth and have simply not grown out of this childish behavior. This setback is still affecting me today as I no longer have a desire to go out. Depression symptoms can be a trap.

My message today is to please guard your words. Words have meaning and words can hurt sometimes worse than a physical attack. I have suffered for years with being bullied so one would think I should have grown accustomed to such behavior. Unfortunately, I have not.

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