My love for the Outer Banks go all the way back to 1980 when my parents brought our family here for a vacation. I loved to splash around, or as I call it now, frolic in the ocean. Fighting my way out past the break to then ride the next wave in on my boogie board. Now I am nowhere near as young as I was then which makes those boogie board days a distant memory. However I still love to go each Saturday morning to watch the sanderlings and the sand crabs as I remember fondly my younger days.
The weekly trek to our beach access is now part of my depression therapy. The sights, the sounds, and the smells all contribute to the inspiration for my digital art. I have found a love for drawing and I hope that someone who sees one of my pieces will see the passion in my digital brush strokes and perhaps imagine themselves here as well.
If you would like to support me in the battle against my depression, check out my online store. As a reminder, 50% of my proceeds are automatically donated to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention charity. These folks provide resources for people who are suffering with the often hidden yet very life threatening mental illnesses.