The Truth About the Springtime Blues

Springtime Blues

Contrary to popular believe, not every one enjoys spring. I can hear the naysayers now. Winter is too cold. Or, spring beings the pretty flowers. While true, flowers do spring forth this time of year, happiness is not universally experienced by everyone. Let’s write about the springtime blues.

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Before I begin, here is a short recap. I have depression, brought on by a traumatic event in my childhood — and also, at least some extent, the bulling received as a child in Elementary and Middle School. I also have extreme separate anxiety. This anxiety is an almost contact fear buried deep in one of my amygdala’s that my wife is going to leave me.

3. Allergies and Springtime

Though likely having absolutely nothing to do with my depression, I dread spring simply due to the allergies that I know will come.The stuffy and runny nose (at the same time) along with the coughing and sneezing is enough to make a sane person go out of their mind. Oh, and everything turning this nauseating yellow-green color, to me, is a sign of the coming apocalypses.

From a psychological perspective, seeing others enjoy their spring time weather has me over here in a depressive funk just counting the days until the glorious return of autumn.

2. Extra Sunlight During Springtime! Bah Hum-Bug!

Daylight Savings Time Article
March 16th, 1918 – The Washington Herald

For those who know me on a personal level, I bet you can tell right away where I am going with this point.

Daylight Savings Time stinks!

Seriously though, there is ample science to prove that arbitrarily adjusting the clock forward by one hour in the spring has dramatic affects on our psyche.

Every year since 1918, the United States has followed a poorly thought out law written by Congress and signed by President Wilson. A little history lesson — the first time we moved our clocks forward one hour was on Easter Sunday, March 31st, 1918.

In 1973, Congress decided they needed to fix their mistake by making Daylight Savings time permanent. This quickly spiraled into an even more serious problem; one that our Representatives in Washington failed to realize would happen. They set out to make Daylight Savings Time permanent and in doing so, this meant that school aged children would be standing along the edge of the road waiting for the bus in pitch darkness.

Shortly after the Watergate scandal on 1974, the failed experiment of making Daylight Savings time the permanent time was abolished. However, the repeal did not come soon enough as dozens of children had already been injured and many were killed by automobile drivers who simply could not see the children.

Recently, the Senate, and in their infinite wisdom, had seemingly forgotten the past failed experiment and passed another new law. If approved by the US House and signed by President Biden, Daylight Savings time would again be permanent. I wonder how many more children along the side of the road have to die before we roll back this one again?

1. Feeling Like an Outsider

It is no secret that I love the autumn and winter seasons. Curling up in a blanket, with a good movie or book and along with a pot of chili on the stovetop, is my ideal of a perfect situation.

Simply put, I feel
social pressure to be
happy about spring.

When I see others enjoying their arbitrary manufactured extra hour of daylight, I tend to become even more reclusive. Simply put, I feel social pressure to be happy about spring. And this makes me sad.

Nearly everyone I know loves this time of year and since I do not, my mind immediately goes to “What is wrong with me?” And then, like a house of cards, my mental state inevitably comes crashing down.

The pandemic has taught me one thing though — a life lived reclusively is OK too.


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If you or someone you know may be contemplating suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or by dialing 988. You may also text HOME to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. In emergencies, call 911, or seek care from a local hospital or mental health provider.

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